July 30, 2019 Homeowner Tips, Lifestyle, Safety
The beauty of living in Southern California is that we are surrounded by so much local, natural beauty. This also means we’re often visited by local wildlife, including coyotes. Please take into consideration these tips when spotting coyotes and always take the utmost safest precaution.
If you don’t want them to be repeating guests in your neighborhood, don’t feed them anything. Plus, if you feed them, they might return with their pack since you’ve just guaranteed an easy meal.
While not normally a danger to human beings, coyotes will display defensive behaviors if threatened or cornered; therefore, it is important to leave a comfortable distance between you and a coyote.
Teach children to avoid areas with dense vegetation and brush and should be taught from a very early age to avoid strange animals, whether domestic or non-domestic. They should also be instructed never to attempt to feed a wild animal. Be aware that coyotes are more active in the spring when feeding and protecting their young.
Small pets can quickly become coyote prey. A dog or cat left in a backyard can be taken in a matter of moments. Even a fully fenced yard will not keep out a hungry, athletic coyote. These animals are incredibly agile and can easily scale any residential fence.
Human food, pet food, and even fruit that falls from your bountiful tree will be taken as a welcome invitation by wildlife and may prompt a future visit.
Keep yards free from potential shelters such as thick brush and weeds, and enclose the bottoms of porches and decks. Check fencing boundaries and try to eliminate access points to rooftops.
Coyotes are naturally timid animals and will usually flee at the sight of a human, but you should never run or turn your back away from them. If they linger or approach, be as loud as possible and make noise: whistle, blow a horn, wave your arms, clap your hands, and shout in an authoritative voice.
Contact OC Animal Care at (714) 935-6848 and/or the Department of Fish and Wildlife at (562) 598-1032.
If an incident happens during a holiday or after regular business hours, you can contact OC Animal Care at (714) 259-1122.
Always call 911 in case of emergency.
Orange County, California, based Crummack Huseby Property Management, Inc., manages many diverse HOA’s and master-planned communities in Southern California. They have added value to communities by working with HOAs, homebuilders, and land developers through their collaborative and customized approach. Crummack Huseby’s personalized philosophy to community management has allowed them to successfully discover and develop one-of-a-kind programs for new and existing communities. They offer professional business planning, governance, community management, financial only management, planning, and forecasting services for community associations. They also have been recognized as one of the Best Places to Work by the Orange County Business Journal in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Founders Sandy Huseby and Margo Crummack each have more than 30 years of experience in Common Interest Development (CDI) management. Crummack Huseby Property Management obtained an AAMC® Accreditation status which highlights their focus and commitment to deliver total customer satisfaction. If you would like to learn more about Crummack Huseby Property Management Inc., they look forward to learning about your community and understanding your needs and how they can best support your community. For more information - Start a Conversation, email info@ch-pm.com, or call 949-367-9431.