November 4, 2016 Crummack Huseby News
Everyone at Crummack Huseby is honored to be part of this special event again this year. We’re volunteering for the Orange County Basket Brigade, a volunteer-run organization that assembles and delivers Thanksgiving baskets. We know we’re delivering more than a delicious holiday meal. We’re delivering hope and memories to struggling families throughout Orange County.
Last year our team reached out to our friends, family, and local businesses to donate frozen turkeys, stuffing mix, canned vegetables, fresh fruit, and that special dessert that makes that meal feel so special. We even threw in some toys and kids’ crafts in the baskets for that extra touch of joy for a family’s Thanksgiving day.
1. Drop-off at Crummack Huseby or give your food donation to any of our awesome co-workers. The Basket Brigade desperately needs: Disposable roasting pans, boxed stuffing, boxed potatoes, canned gravy, canned foods, bread, soups, fresh or canned fruit, desserts (pies, cookies, cakes, etc.), children’s books or toys.
2. Join the day-of basket gathering on Sunday, November 20th @ 8:30am. Turtle Rock Community Park in Irvine located at 1 Sunnyhill, Irvine 92603
3. Make a cash or check donation with 100% of your generous gift going towards the baskets.
We can’t thank you enough for your continued support to help make a difference in our community. No donation is too small as we are hoping to double our basket goal this year!
If you have any questions about your donation, please reach out to Brittany Harmon,
To learn more about the Orange County Basket Brigade,
19th Annual Orange County Thanksgiving Basket Brigade 2017 Flyer.PDF