We are Decluttering, Simplifying and Adding New Features

January 1, 2015    Margo Crummack    Crummack Huseby News

As we embark upon 2015, we've been busy working to find ways and means to apply even greater efforts to our customer service!  With the ever changing technology platforms, as of the end of the first quarter, we will be offering a new website portal service.  While our website address will remain the same www.ch-pm.com, some of our existing features have been simplified and we've added some new features in the new resident portal.  These new service features will make transactions easier by just the click of a button! Here's a quick overview...

  • Upgraded online account balance review and history
  • You can update your contact information; email address, phone, billing address
  • Sign up for e statement and e documents
  • Obtain Auto-pay (ACH) sign-up form
  • Access to Work Orders and Architectural Status
  • Document Library for your association (All the forms and documents you need at your fingertips!)
  • Emails and voice messages for quick association communication
  • Optional text message delivery of association information

We will be rolling out these features to our clients by the end of the first quarter of this year.

Our associates add value to your association.

Ready for a change?

Professional Affiliations

Building Industry Associaiton of Southern California
Member of Community Associations Institute
California Associations of Community Managers